Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mr. Manners

Vince surprised me last week when he responded "yes ma'am!" I was finally able to catch him on video saying it, so I included it on the blog. We are very fortunate that Savannah continues to use her manners and all of that has rubbed off on little Vincey. He is speaking so much better now and is able to communicate what he wants. Oftentimes he will grab our shirt or arm and say "walk, walk, walk" or "let's go" and takes us to show what he wants. It may be the pantry, it may be the refrigerator, or it may be to the TV so that we will put on a Dora or Diego episode.

Savannah continues to be very patient with him and she and her friends love to be around him. Speaking of Savannah, she started her girls t-ball league last month. She is getting better and now that the weather is turning nicer, Jeff and I hope to work with her on her skills more during the week.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Date with Daddy

The sun has finally come out! The weather here this weekend has been wonderful, so we spent some time hanging out in the backyard and on the trampoline at the McCart's house yesterday too. Jeff took Savannah out to the A-Sun basketball championship game at Mercer University on Saturday night; Mercer was playing in the game, so there were lots of people there that they knew. While they were waiting for the doors to open, Savannah had her face tattooed and a Macon Telegraph photographer snapped her photo. It just might be in the newspaper today!