Breakfast with Santa at the McCart's house
Savannah and Vince on Christmas Day
Savannah and Vince on Christmas Day
December has come and gone like a whirl-wind! We have had some wonderful days this month, and lots of rain too...lots of crazy weather. We made a gingerbread house, went to a breakfast with Santa, visited Santa at the Macon Mall and at Bass Pro Shop, made Christingles at church, lit the advent candle at church on Christmas Eve, and enjoyed having friends/neighbors over for dinner.
Mrs. Goodman and Dr. Clark reading Savannah "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve
Santa brought the kids three things each (just as the Wisemen brought to the baby Jesus). Vince received a basketball goal, tricycle, and a truck with a trailer. Savannah received an Alabama t-shirt, a Leapster 2, and some Leapster games. G-Mama came to town and we did a little bit of shopping and lots of cooking! We are looking forward to a trip to NC to visit the rest of the family. Happy New Year, we wish you a prosperous and happy 2010.