Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snaggle Tooth Savannah

The Tooth Fairy came to visit last night and brought TWO $1 coins!
Savannah and "Tigger" after the extraction

Savannah lost her first tooth today! She said this morning it was "a little wiggly" and when Jeff picked her up from camp, there was a note saying that she had lost her first tooth and it was in a ziploc baggy in the camp office. Her camp counselor, Tigger, helped her get it out. She has already put the tooth in her tooth fairy pillow for tonight.

1 comment:

The Jordan Family said...

How awesome! Congrats on your first visit from the Tooth Fairy, Savannah! Evan is very jealous. He wants a tooth fairy pillow, now, too. This evening, I overheard him telling Alex that he had a loose tooth just like you! :)