Sunday, September 30, 2012

Church Choir

Vince attends school at Bright Beginnings, which is at Cypress Lakes Methodist Church. Since he felt comfortable there we decided to visit and let the kids get involved in the children's programming. They have been attending the Wednesday evening program and have enjoyed the choir. Today was the first day that they sang in church...all three services. We had to be at the church at 7:30 this morning for the 8, 9:30, and 11am services. By the last service Vince was completely over it. I have a couple of videos that you can see him in. Nonetheless, he was still cute :-)

Savannah continues to do well in school and has reached her Accelerated Reading goal for the first quarter already. She recently read The Adventures of Huck Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and I think she finished each of them in one night. Needless to say, she loved them. The library system here is wonderful and they have so many great books and dvds that the kids love. Vince would rather go to the library than get in the pool!

 Vince wanted to sleep in a box the other night. He lasted until about 5am

 Vince likes the barber, Marco. He even wore a cape this last time (a huge step)
 Vince at his choir debut
 Vince and a watergun out by the pool
 Savannah tested for her advanced white belt and broke this board with her hand!
The kids at Lake Park
The top video is part of the middle service when Vince was "on his game". The next is the video of the last service. Vince is just "there", not participating at all!
We found a house that we like and are supposed to close on it in Mid-November. The kids are excited about it and Jeff and I are ready to be in our own place and get the storage units unpacked.

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