The kids sang in church this morning. It's a song they have been working on for the past month or so in Sunday School and Wednesday night Fellowship. They did a great job, Vince was front row center (in the red t-shirt). Savannah was on the back row, on the left side. She was playing the "full morrocas". I think that she and Vince both want to try out for the Christmas Program that will be on Christmas Eve; in addition, she is eligible to join the confirmation class in December and join the church in the spring once she finishes the class.
The kids are adjusted to school-it's hard to believe that Vince is a first grader and Savannah is in fifth grade. I can't believe that she will be in Middle School next year! Savannah has joined her Odyssey of the Mind team again and Vince has chosen to participate in Cub Scouts.