Thursday, February 24, 2011

Vince Gets Stitches

This post should have actually been before Savannah's birthday post, but that's ok. Last Thursday we took Nay-Nay (Vince's teacher from Martha Bowman) out to lunch since it was her last day at school. We went to Taki, one of those Japanese places with Habachi grills. After we ate, we were hanging out in the lobby while Vince pitched pennies in the fountain. He went running towards Nay-Nay, tripped, and smacked his face on the built-in seats. His top two teeth went through his lower lip and he bled a pretty good bit. I called our doctor friend, Edward, and he suggested going to the emergency room. Vince finally calmed down after Jeff and Nay-Nay got there, but got pretty loud when the doctor wanted to look at his teeth and prep him for stitches.
He ended up with about 5 stitches in his lower mouth area and after a few days the swelling went down and he was out of pain and able to eat much better. This is the picture that Jeff took of us at the hospital.

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