Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hell on Wheels

When Savannah was three, Santa brought her a princess bike for Christmas. She rode it a little bit, but our driveway was pretty steep and she was more interested in riding in her princess car than learning to ride a bike. When we moved to Monroe County and lived on Estes Road, there was really not a good place to ride there because we fronted a "major" street and we didn't feel comfortable having her ride up and down the driveway and potentially going into traffic. We did buy her a scooter that she has enjoyed riding. A friend of mine told me it really helped her son with balance and that after he rode that for a few months, riding a bike was pretty easy.

Last weekend I found a nice bike on Craigslist for her and we bought it. She was so excited to ride without training wheels. I worked with her the first night for a little while, then Jeff worked with her for two nights, and got her up and going. Vince still enjoys riding his bike with training wheels, but he will probably be riding without training wheels in the next year or so. Our neighborhood is great for bike riding because it is gated and we live on a cul-de-sac. Here are some pictures to document her success!

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